Operation Temptation Resistance (and a little knitting)

Hi guys! I almost didn’t post tonight; I’m pretty exhausted. I was doing fine today until I read a blog that someone posted about a cat they’d lost recently and put a very sweet poem at the bottom. It made me think of Puss and I ended up crying the whole way home, so by the time I got to the house, I just wanted to rest.

Dinner was Chinese takeout tonight…don’t fear, though…I did my research and found out that General Tso’s sauce is vegan, so I got General Tso’s tofu. It came with broccoli and white rice. I may or may not have had a couple of Utz reduced-fat potato chips too….and now some coffee with soymilk (which I am currently drinking).

So, how did I manage to keep myself mindful of my Vegan Challenge today in the face of all of the wonderful treats and goodies? Check it out:

This morning, after I had about 1 tbsp of peanut butter, I took a nice ink pen and drew the word “vegan” on my wrist. It worked like a charm, and got a couple of comments, too. Someone actually thought it was a real tattoo…hehe.

I had a 100 calorie popcorn ball at work that my friend gave me; I checked the ingredients and it qualified, and I also discovered that Ruffles potato chips are vegan, so I had a few of those…skipped my oatmeal, though, because of the other stuff.

How about some real knitting content finally? I’m working on a Cowl from an easy pattern that I found on Ravelry…it’s got a very simple quasi-lace pattern (I don’t know if it’s lacey enough to qualify as “real” lace, but I’ll take it!)

Like that it’s on top of my MITs list? MITs stands for “Most Important Things.” It’s my relatively short list of things that I need to get done today. I think that this may finally be the day that I get it all done! Anyway, here’s a closer shot of the knitting:

It’s a simple pattern, just a yarn over, slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over, and knit one. Not tough and really pretty:)
Now for the treats that I had to resist today….isn’t this the most adorable cake you’ve ever seen? My friend Erin made it…she’s for hire, so if you’re looking for an event cake, let me know and I’ll get you in contact with her!

Check out the rest of the table of goodies…there were chips and tortilla chips, two kinds of dip, brownies, cookies, and cupcakes.

I had a salad with some homemade tamari dressing (1 packet soy sauce, a splash of red wine vinegar, and a drizzle of tamari), which I think needs some tweaking. I’ll be working on that in the morning.

Lunch was processed, but vegan….Trader Joe’s rice noodle soup bowl…the spring onion flavor. It’s instant and salty and wonderful…I knew I’d need a favorite if I was going to let the cake pass me by. I had some hummus/cabbage and 1/2 an apple for a snack.

There’s been a ton of schoolwork this week…I got what I needed to done…got one more thing due Friday, which I’ll get done tomorrow.

No Shelli pic tonight…I need to take some more. She’s been a little antisocial tonight.

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